Sunday, November 21, 2010


1 comment:

  1. VALIDITY: Another type of "farce" to protest the invasion of privacy issue and to gain publicity about it. I heard of these protests in several news accounts, so there is little raeson to believe this is true footage. At Face Validity level it appears to be, especially since not over dramatized.

    INFO on RQ?: This shows that is a more global issue. This all relates to James Scott's work on "Domination and the Acts of Resistance. What do the ones without power do? Satire is sometimes allowed, especially when not seen as a threat or even as a distraction.
    The TSA is counting on these acts not to connect and to dissipate. I agree. The new 9-1-1 generation has been raised in this era of intrusion into their personal lives. It is seen even celebrated on Facebook.
    I am just afraid that we get to used to these patterns of “security” for many reasons. I we become reliant and focused on these machines and we become more oblivious to what surrounds us. Humans stop terrorism, the machines are just for show. Actually they give terrorists several advantages both strategically and for propaganda about their ability to raise “fear”.
    I just see this as another escalation of a major Social Problem in our world. We don't know how to deal with the problem's that we create. Communication is the solution and it is breaking down all around us.

    So my hypothesis if I am right about this assessment is going to be that this as other infringrements will soon be forgotten, especially if Brad and Angelina do anything.
