Sunday, November 21, 2010


1 comment:

  1. VALIDITY: This is satire again in the form of farce. The bias is up front.But the humor is based on information that is fouded on research from government sources on what my research shows the machines can detect (concurrent validity)

    INFO on RQ: Satire often cuts both ways. In one way she is making the situation seem less serious. In another way she is showing that it is also FOOLISH and an inept waste of time and breach of privacy. Satire is a form of release when people lack other means of resistance (powerlessness).
    This also points to the fact that humans make their own adjustments to being told exactly what to do. Can't a terrorist get around these restrictions? It is happening all the time. The problem that sped this up was with cargo bombs not passenger inspections. This TSA step seems more for "show".
    The threat of this is not there. The government has a "trapped" uninformed audience. They hope that the “lambs will be led to slaughter” quietly while the Government tries to quash the complaints and dysfunctions of these procedures.
    I myself feel less trust in MY GOVERNMENT protecting my family and beyond... "HELP"
